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Dark Water Groan is a split album by two experimental artists, Shibalba and Darja Kazimira & Dagmar Gertot. The album explores the concept of sacred hydrography and the duality of water as a life-giving and death-bringing element. The artists take inspiration from the mythology of different cultures and focus on the five most radical and existential stages of water. The album is a unique and authentic representation of the artists' own myth-making and ritualistic approach to music.

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Арто Линдсей - удивительный американский гитарист, певец, композитор, чья музыка звучит одновременно и как самый сладкий и непосредственный латиноамериканский поп, и как самые изощренные опыты нью-йоркского даунтауна. В статье рассказывается о его изысканиях в области бразильской песенной традиции и его значимости для американской музыкальной моды конца XX - начала XXI века.

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Heldon was a French rock band formed by guitarist and experimenter Richard Pinhas in 1974. Allez Téia is their second album, which features a mix of King Crimson and Tangerine Dream. The album's first track, In The Wake Of King Fripp, clearly indicates the influence of King Crimson. The personnel includes Richard Pinhas, Georges Grunblatt, Alain Renaud, and Alain Bellaïche.

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